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Adams, M.J., Wadge, M.D., Sheppard, D., Stuart, A. and Grant, D.M., 2024. Review on onshore and offshore large-scale seasonal hydrogen storage for electricity generation: Focusing on improving compression, storage, and roundtrip efficiency. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 73, pp.95-111.

Alnajideen, M., Shi, H., Northrop, W., Emberson, D., Kane, S., Czyzewski, P., Alnaeli, M., Mashruk, S., Rouwenhorst, K., Yu, C. and Eckart, S., 2024. Ammonia combustion and emissions in practical applications: a review. Carbon Neutrality, 3(1), pp.1-45. 

Delpisheh, M., Ebrahimpour, B., Fattahi, A., Siavashi, M., Mir, H., Mashhadimoslem, H., Abdol, M.A., Ghorbani, M., Shokri, J., Niblett, D., Khosravi, K., Rahimi, S., Alirahmi, S.M., Yu, H., Elkamel, A., Niasar, V., Mamlouk, M. 2024. Leveraging machine learning in porous media. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 32. 

Li, S. and Brennan, F., 2024. Digital twin enabled structural integrity management: Critical review and framework development. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, p.14750902241227254.


Li, S. and Brennan, F., 2024. Implementation of digital twin-enabled virtually monitored data in inspection planning. Applied Ocean Research, 144, p.103903.

Jano-Ito M, Valera-Medina A. 2024. Techno-economics of ammonia Techno-economics of ammonia as an energy carrier, 2024. Exporting wind from the North Atlantic Ocean/North Sea to Wales, J Ammonia Energy, 2, Issue 1. 

Mohan Raj Subramaniam, Shanmugam Ramakrishnan, Saleem Sidra, S. C. Karthikeyan, Subramanian Vijayapradeep, Jian Huang,  Mohamed Mamlouk,  Do Hwan Kim, Dong Jin Yoo.  2024. Carbon core–shell Pt nanoparticle embedded porphyrin Co-MOF derived N-doped porous carbon for the alkaline AEM water electrolyzer application. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10

Mularczyk, A., Niblett, D., Wijpkema, A., van Maris, M.P. and Forner‐Cuenca, A., 2024. Manufacturing Free‐Standing, Porous Metallic Layers with Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble Templating. Advanced Materials Interfaces, p.2400052.


Niblett, D., Delpisheh, M., Ramakrishnan, S. and Mamlouk, M., 2024. Review of next generation hydrogen production from offshore wind using water electrolysis. Journal of Power Sources, 592, p.233904.

Ramakrishnan, S., Delpisheh, M., Convery, C., Niblett, D., Vinothkannan, M. and Mamlouk, M., 2024. Offshore green hydrogen production from wind energy: Critical review and perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 195, p.114320.

Ramakrishnan, S., Vijayapradeep, S., Selvaraj, S.C., Huang, J., Karthikeyan, S.C., Gutru, R., Logeshwaran, N., Miyazaki, T., Mamlouk, M. and Yoo, D.J., 2024. An efficient cathode electrocatalyst for anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer. Carbon, 220, p.118816.
Rodriguez-Castillo, C.A., Collu, M. and Brennan, F., 2024. Design considerations and preliminary hydrodynamic analysis of an offshore decentralised floating wind-hydrogen system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 89, pp.496-506

S.C. Karthikeyan, Shanmugam Ramakrishnan, Sampath Prabhakaran, Mohan Raj Subramaniam, Mohamed Mamlouk, Do Hwan Kim, Dong Jin Yo 2024. Low-Cost Self-Reconstructed High Entropy Oxide as an Ultra-Durable OER Electrocatalyst for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer. Small. 

Turner, K., 2024. Offshore wind: a new dual export opportunity for Scotland that could maximise productive output and economy-wide benefits?.

Arredondo-Galeana, A., Dai, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Brennan F. (2023). “Very large hinged floating platforms for marine foundations and energy extraction.”  In the Proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Bilbao, Spain

Turner, K., Zanhouo, A.K., Katris, A. and Corbett, H., 2024. Maximising the benefits for Shetland's economy and long-term sustainability of transitioning to green hydrogen production using renewable wind power.

Turner, K., Corbett, H., Katris, A., Zanhou, A.K., Gonzalez-Martinez, P., 2024. Green Energy Production and the Shetland Economy – Request for Input. 

Yeter, B., Brennan, F., Probabilistic structural integrity assessment of a floating offshore wind turbine under variable amplitude loading. Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol 57, Pages 133-143

Yeter, B., Brennan F, Harris J., 2024. System FMECA of floating offshore structures for green hydrogen production and storage. Innovations in Renewable Energies Offshore, 1st Ed. 

Zhu, F. Yeter B, Brennan F, Collu M, 2024. Time-domain fatigue reliability analysis for floating offshore wind turbine substructures using coupled nonlinear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations Engineering Structures, Vol 318.

Arredondo-Galeana, A., Dai, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., & Brennan, F. (2023). Understanding the force motion trade off of rigid and hinged floating platforms for marine renewables. Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 15, 1-10

Arredondo-Galeana, A., Ermakov, A., Shi, W., Ringwood, J. V., & Brennan, F. (2024). Optimal control of wave cycloidal rotors with passively morphing foils: an analytical and numerical study. Marine Structures, 95, Article 103597. Advance online publication

Niblett, D., Niasar, V., Holmes, S., Mularczyk, A., Eller, J., Prosser, R. and Mamlouk, M., 2023. Water cluster characteristics of fuel cell gas diffusion layers with artificial microporous layer crack dilation. Journal of Power Sources, 555, p.232383.
Rodríguez, C.A., Yeter, B., Li, S., Brennan, F. and Collu, M., 2023. A critical review of challenges and opportunities for effective design and operation of offshore structures supporting green hydrogen production, storage, and transport. Wind Energy Science Discussions, 2023, pp.1-34.

Valera-Medina, A., Vigueras-Zuniga, M.O., Shi, H., Mashruk, S., Alnajideen, M., Alnasif, A., Davies, J., Wang, Y., Zhu, X., Yang, W. and Cheng, Y.B., 2023. Ammonia combustion in furnaces: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Yeter, B., Garbatov, Y., Brennan, F. and Kolios, A., 2023. Macroeconomic impact on the risk management of offshore wind farms. Ocean Engineering, 284, p.115224.


Adams, M., Buckley, C.E., Busch, M., Brunzel, R., Felderhoff, M., Wook Hero, T., Humphries, T.D., Jensen, T.R., Klug, K.H., 2022. Hydride-based thermal energy storage. Progress in Energy, Vol 4, No 3.

Alabi, O., Turner, K., Race, J. and Katris, A., 2022. Proposition for an additional input output multiplier metric to access the value contribution of regional cluster industries. Papers in Regional Science, 101(4), pp.795-810.

Niblett, Daniel; Mamlouk, Mohamed; Emmanuel Godinez Brizuela, Omar; An, Senyou (2022). Porous Microstructure Generator. Newcastle University. Software.

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