Ocean REFuel
Antonios Katris
Research Fellow
Antonios Katris has been a member of the Centre for Energy Policy (CEP) since 2015 and is currently a research fellow. His research focus spans across multiple areas of energy policy, currently focusing on the decarbonisation of UK industries and the switch to zero carbon residential heating. He mainly uses computable general equilibrium (CGE) models to study the economy-wide impacts of net zero interventions and policies and identify trade-offs and implications for policy and other stakeholders (academic and non-academic). His body of research work includes areas such as the improvement of energy efficiency in residential properties, the electrification of private transportation, exploring the impacts of offshoring industrial activity, while recently he also worked on a project focussing on the potential impacts of nuclear decommissioning in the Scottish economy. Antonios holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Stirling.

Research Fellow
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow