Ocean REFuel
Baran Yeter
Research Associate
Dr Baran Yeter is a Research Associate at the University of Strathclyde, Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering (NAOME). He has been involved in numerous research projects funded by both national and international organisations, and recently he has been an active member of the new Ocean-Refuel UKRI EPSRC grant. In addition to the research activities, he is a teaching staff in NAOME and a member of the UK delegation to the ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress), serving in the Fatigue and Fracture (Committee III.2).
Since 2017, he has been conducting extra activities as a part of the reviewing and editing committee of international journals such as Ocean Engineering, Renewable Energy, Engineering Structures, Wind Energy, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Ship and Offshore Structures, as well as the international conferences such as the International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE).

Research Associate
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow